Posted in Personal Stories

Going with the Flow..


Everywhere you go, you see people ..and places.. Houses and roads and means of transportation. People going somewhere. Everyone trying to be someplace else, different from where they are now..

And that’s how life is in every part of the world. Everyone trying to do something. Reach someplace where they are not right now..on a constant journey. Which is what makes the wheels turn and our blood flow. Or whatever is the term for making things seem normal and routine..

And the moment you wake up somewhere someday with no place you feel inspired enough to go – life comes to a whirring uncomfortable halt. If you do not have any purpose for yourself – however mundane and insignificant it might be, then there is this evil question which creeps up – Am I doing anything worthwhile at all?

And a gnawing question this is – which follows you around like a hungry puppy and bites you in the hand when you try to feed it with inconsequential answers.

So what can you do to tame this ugly thought?

Go with the flow. Do something that makes sense in that moment. Follow a trail – or create a new one.

Because a river is always more interesting than a pond. New experiences always enrich your life’s perspective and because .. “A bend in the road is not the end of the road…Unless you fail to make the turn.”!

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Posted in Personal Stories

Say it out Loud

I know the feeling. You have something terribly important to say. And you’ve played it back and forth in your head. But when the moment comes for you to speak it out loud – you freeze. Words come out as garbled bits of incoherent sentences which don’t articulate your thoughts well. You are dismayed by the way they sound, all sad and sorry.

Then it happens. Your confidence takes a precipitous fall.

You end up feeling all disgruntled and disappointed in yourself . As if a part of you has failed. Then come the questions and self doubt rushing in as air rushes in to suck up a void.

Does that sound familiar to you?

Yes. Failure is familiar. So is Misspoken sentences. Inarticulate thoughts . Lost opportunities .

But you know what it really means?..

Playing it in your head is just not enough.

You have to go out there and let your idea grow. Say it out loud to yourself. Feel the power of your words to change the world – or at least your own. You have to let your words be comfortable in their own skin.

If you have something important to say – don’t wait to say it till the last moment. Say it out loud to yourself – right now!

Posted in Personal Stories

Less is More


Its a greedy world out there. Unimaginable data being accumulated every second.

And so much information thrown at us – it’s like being drenched with a fire hose.

So like intelligent evolving creatures, we are slowly programming ourselves to consume and digest the tiniest nuggets of useful stuff.

Long winded stories are out. 140 character tweets are in.
Complex is no longer cool. Simplicity is the new sophistication. Less is More.

So does that bother you ? Well yes, it might. Because simple is so much more difficult to do!

You can no longer hide behind words. Or befuddle with ambiguity .
Simplicity demands clarity of thought , and that’s pretty tough to get without skill or practice.

Ok then buddy. What’s the ideal modus operandi ?

Well – one obvious answer is , you gotta be good at what you do.

And even when you are , stifle your instincts to unleash your infinite knowledge and enthusiasm on your audience.

Just answer the question or solve the problem at hand. Don’t try to do more.

As William Blake gently put it – “The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.” And we don’t want to be too wise too early, do we? 😛

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